Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Research Center

Using LED lighting to improve quality of marbled sole

Futtsu City, Chiba Prefecture



Tokyo Bay viewed from Futtsu fishery port

Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Research Center, Seed Production Research Laboratory, Futtsu Sea Farming Section is a facility in the Chiba Prefecture city of Futtsu on Tokyo Bay.



Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Research Center, Seed Production Research Laboratory, Futtsu Sea Farming Section

As well as the marbled sole mentioned here, Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Research Center Seed Production Research Laboratory is also conducting research on the production and quality improvement of eggs and hatchlings of other species such as Japanese flounder, red sea bream, and sweetfish and on the streamlining of their production. The Seed Production Research Laboratory Futtsu Sea Farming Section is conducting research on eggs and hatchlings production and the production of marbled sole and Japanese flounder.

This article presents LED lighting that helping to improve egg and hatchling quality.



Entering the fishery breeding building

Marbled sole is a major fish species caught in Tokyo Bay. However, due to a decline in resources, Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Research Center, Seed Production Research Laboratory, Futtsu Sea Farming Section releases marbled sole fry into the Bay.

When marbled sole is kept in tanks, the fish bite each other’s tails off. As well as being a possible cause of disease, this could result in the fish losing their ability to swim. This behavior is thought to be due to stress, but it was found that dim green LED light can reduce that stress. Therefore, the Futtsu Sea Farming Section is conducting research to support fisheries by lighting the tanks with LEDs to curb that biting behavior, thus improving the quality of the young fish to be released.


[Left] Many giant tanks are used for breeding.
[Right] The experiment is ongoing in one of these tanks.

Other research institutes have demonstrated that shining green light onto marbled sole stimulates their appetite and increases their feeding activity, which results in faster growth. The Center hopes to confirm this growth promotion effect and to stabilize and improve efficiency of egg and hatchling production.


[Left] Marbled sole fry
[Right] Green light is shone from directly above the tank.

Future plans being considered include also replacing operational lighting with LED lights, changing the wavelength by modulating the light, and varying the light according to the species and growth stage of the fish in the tanks.

21,000 marbled sole fry that had grown to 22 mm at the time of the interview continue to grow healthily in the 20,000-liter tank.



[Left] The water tank for the demonstration experiment is covered with black sheets to block out the outside light.
[Right] Customized lightning equipment

A custom-designed product with dual-module LED floodlight, LEDSHIGHMAST LLF0011A, developed for special outdoor applications and fitted with green LED, is being used.

Unlike the other tanks, light is first blocked out from the tank being used for the experiment, before the green light is shone into the tank.


[Left] Feeding time
[Right] Marbled sole fish that have grown to two-year size since hatching

In addition to durability that makes it suitable for use in diverse environments, this product lights up every corner of the tank with consistent, even light, using flux distribution performance cultivated in automobile headlamp technology.

Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Research Center, Seed Production Research Laboratory, Futtsu Sea Farming Section

Access: Approx. 30 minutes’ walk from Onuki Station, JR Uchibo line
Approx. 10 minutes’ drive from Futtsu-Chuo Interchange, Tateyama Expressway

To prevent the transmission of COVID-19, the Center is not currently accepting visitors to the exhibition corner or group tours.

Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Research Center, Seed Production Research Laboratory, Futtsu Sea Farming Section

2568-38 Kokubo, Futtsu City, Chiba Prefecture

Official site