Meidoh Co., Ltd.
Foreman, Ohara Factory and Nishi-Nakayama Factory
Manufacturing Division
Yuki Hasegawa
Meidoh Co., Ltd.
Deputy General Manager
Operations Department
Administration Division
Masato Ito
Lighting a signboard
Illumination from a distance with pinpoint accuracy
Nishi-Nakayama Factory; Meidoh Co., Ltd.; Toyota, Aichi Prefecture

Meidoh’s Nishi-Nakayama Factory
Established in 1924, Meidoh Co., Ltd. is a company with a long history, located in the city of Toyota in Aichi Prefecture. It manufactures bolts, nuts, and other fastening components. Its mission is to use fastening and joining to create connections everywhere. As a manufacturer of crucial safety-related parts, the company is deeply trusted by automakers. Meidoh recently adopted the LEDSFOCUS PRO, our LED floodlight product, for the night-time illumination of the company logo sign at the newly completed Nishi-Nakayama Factory.

The signboard installed at Meidoh’s Nishi-Nakayama Factory during the daytime
Once the construction of its Nishi-Nakayama Factory was complete, Meidoh wanted the company name to stand out. While they were considering how to achieve this, an employee happened to see a case example of Stanley Electric’s LED floodlights on the company website, which ended up being the trigger behind their decision.
Meidoh Co.,Ltd.

Meidoh Co., Ltd.
Foreman, Ohara Factory and Nishi-Nakayama Factory
Manufacturing Division
Yuki Hasegawa

Meidoh Co., Ltd.
Deputy General Manager
Operations Department
Administration Division
Masato Ito

We spoke to two representatives of Meidoh Co., Ltd. about their company and about the LEDSFOCUS PRO.
Congratulations on the completion of your new factory! And thank you so much for choosing our LED floodlights. Could you give me a brief outline of your company and the new factory in Nishi-Nakayama?
Hasegawa Thank you for coming all this way. Meidoh has been in business for 97 years, and we will celebrate our centennial in 2024. Our business is to use bolts, nuts, and other fastening and joining components to create connections everywhere. We do business with many companies in automotive and other fields.
Stanley Electric also manufactures crucial safety-related parts, like automotive headlights, but your business at Meidoh involves the essential parts that make up a car or other finished products.
Ito We have a reputation for a technology called cold forging, which enables high-precision and complex processing. The thicker and heavier we make our parts, the stronger they get. But for automotive use, you need parts that are thinner and lighter, yet even stronger. A single part can impact the performance of the entire vehicle.
I’d never heard of cold forging before. How interesting.
How does Meidoh position this new factory?
Hasegawa The Nishi-Nakayama Factory began operation in March 2021. It is our fifth factory in Japan, and it is positioned to support future production expansion as Meidoh’s largest-scale factory.
We have about 1,380 employees company-wide, but the factory is starting with a total of 60 employees at present. It manufactures shafts and brake parts for EVs as well as fastening and joining components that are even larger than bolts.

I look forward to seeing the factory grow and develop in the future.
I heard that our products were selected after an employee saw photos of other case examples on our website. Did you have any thoughts about adopting LED floodlights?
Hasegawa We thought that LED illumination would make it stand out more than an illuminated signboard. Also, because of the location, the signboard is visible from Sanage Green Road, a toll road for Nagoya, so we also thought that it would give us some publicity among drivers who pass by.
I hope many people will see it.
Hasegawa Yes, I hope that lots of people will learn about Meidoh from our bright signboard.
By the way, the signboard does have a reputation among employees and truck drivers here for being very bright and noticeable. [Laughter]
Are there any anecdotes about the installation that you’d like to share?
Ito I felt it was a great advantage that we could choose from products with one-degree increments and use a narrow angle to pinpoint the target from a distance. But this also meant that we had to be quite careful during installation because moving the angle even a little bit would have a significant effect on where the light was projected.
Also, we installed the floodlights on a roof, and during installation, even the small vibrations from walking would make the projected light shake. [Laughter] That was one of the most memorable moments, along with getting rained on while setting it up. I also felt that installation was easy because the power source was built in.
Those are the kind of stories you could only get straight from the field. Thank you for sharing.
Ito Also, for the signboard written in Japanese, we chose a floodlight with low color temperature in consideration of the surrounding houses and businesses, and of the nearby pole lights. Another factor was that the signboard was located at an angle to the light source, not in front of it, with slight differences in the distance between each floodlight and the target, and the magnitude of the light was slightly larger on the side farther from the light source.

A cheerful and friendly interview atmosphere.
I see, you’re using different color temperatures to fit the surroundings and create harmony.
For illumination at an angle, you can replace the lens of the LEDSFOCUS PRO later. And since you can replace the lens of any of the light sources, you can also partially replace the current 6° projector with a 5° one.
Ito That’s very convenient.
Meidoh has been recognized by official bodies for our environmental friendliness, and so the low power consumption of LED floodlights will also contribute to our values in this sense.
Mr. Ito, it sounds like your expertise must be very useful for energy management efforts for Meidoh as a whole.
Hasegawa Ito certainly plays an active role as a key person in facility construction at Meidoh.
Thank you both very much for taking the time to talk with me.

More information on Meidoh is available here.

The English signboard (5 units of 5,700 K at 6°)
The main signboard, with “MEIDOH” written in English, uses five 6°-type LEDSFOCUS PRO floodlights and a color temperature of 5,700 K, which makes the white stand out.
For the Japanese signboard, since the light source is far away, we used two of the narrower 2.5°-type floodlights and a color temperature of 4,000 K to suit the surrounding environment.
We can meet a wide variety of customer needs by combining different illumination angles, colors, and lamp sizes (with 1-, 4-, or 9-lens) depending on the target and the distance from the light source.

The Japanese signboard (2 units of 4,000 K at 2.5°)